Woody Dares songs lyrics
Here you will find some lyrics that Woody wrote in English and French.
I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them!

Let's Go For A Ride Babe
Let's go for a ride babe, I swear you won't get bored with me
Let's go for a ride babe, we'll be as happy as can be
Let's go for a ride babe, jump in the boat with me
Let's go for a ride babe, just say yes and set me free
I'll treat you well, I'll treat you right
I'll give you all the love that I got
No need to hesitate, no need to be scared
Just take the chance and take my hand
Let's go for a ride babe, I swear you won't get bored with me
Let's go for a ride babe, we'll be as happy as can be
Let's go for a ride babe, jump in the boat with me
Let's go for a ride babe, just say yes and set me free
And I'm not gonna say that it's forever
But I'll always be true to you
It feel so good, it feels so nice when we're together
That I might as well stick with you
Let's go for a ride babe, I swear you won't get bored with me
Let's go for a ride babe, we'll be as happy as can be
Let's go for a ride babe, jump in the boat with me
Let's go for a ride babe, just say yes and set me free

Ce Tableau
Te rappelles tu ces deux accords ?
Le bruit des vagues en fond sonore
Cette petite vue sur les îles
Et les nuages qui s'illuminent
T'entendre fredonner en préparant le café
Que pourrais-je demander... de plus ?
Te voir sourire là bas et te rapprocher vers moi
Sentir à chaque pas mon cœur qui bat... plus
Dans l'insouciance de demain
Une petite bulle s’était formée
On a sauter dedans à pieds joints
Et on s'est laissé porter
En douceur...
Les tunes, le taf, les doutes, l'errance
Tout ça n'avait plus d'importance
Un bref regard ou un baiser
Et le reste était oublié
Comme si le temps s’était figé
Pour nous offrir une trêve
Un instant de pure beauté
Comme une sorte de rêve...
Dans l'insouciance de demain
Une petite bulle s’était formée
On a sauter dedans à pieds joints
Et on s'est laissé porter
En douceur...
Si je savais tenir un pinceau correctement
J'aurais pu immortaliser ce moment
L'accroché au mur, m'en inspirer n'importe quand
Ou le vendre aux enchères pour de l'argent
Peut être même qu'un jour ça faciliterait les choses
Entre moi et mon marmot
Y aura des questions qu'il se pose
Auxquelles je répondrai mal par des mots
Mais ce tableau....
Oui ce tableau...
« - Papa, c'est quoi le bonheur ?
- C'est ça. (en montrant le tableau de la tête)
- C'est quoi papa ?
- C'est ça le bonheur. »

I'll Find Too
Well I'm so happy my friend
To see you holding hands
With this pretty babe
Who seem to love you well
I just hope that it won't fail like everything you do
In maybe one week or so
After she realizes she's got a friend better than you
And you'll have to let it go
But I'm so glad for you
I'm so glad you found love
I'm so glad for you
Maybe someday somehow, I'll find too
Well I'm so happy my friend
To see you holding hands
With this pretty babe
Who seem to love you well
Well you don't know yet love is a stairway to hell
And all of your friends have bet
On how long it will last before your love burns to sand
And take you on a drink to forget
But I'm so glad for you
I'm so glad you found love
I'm so glad for you
Maybe someday somehow, I'll find too

Was I Wrong
Times are changing, but we also do
Would could have thought this would happen to you
Or happen to me
Now we’re just as lonely and free
And if memories are all there’s left
Let’s try to not forget
Good times, we had a few
We don’t anymore, it’s sad but true
Is it me or is it you ?
Who cares, it’s over for good
And if memories are all there’s left
I still wish you the best
If really everything ends
You need to understand
That I…
Oh I…
I’m sorry, but it’s true
I’ll be better without you
Don’t be so blue
I know you’ll feel better too
Don’t be so rude
I know you don’t want to
Was I wrong about you ?
Was I wrong about you ?
Good times, we had a few
I won't lie about it no, I won't lie about you
Is that what you do ?
Didn't I mean something to you ?
And if memories are all there’s left
I still wish you the best
If really everything ends
You need to understand
That I…
Oh I…

Je Reprends La Route
Et je reprends la route
Quoi qu'il arrive, quoi qu'il en coûte
Je réapprends a marcher seul
Je trébuche et me casse la gueule
Mais je reprends la route
Pas de temps pour le doute
J'ai besoin d'un nouveau départ
Alors je m'habille et je pars
Sans savoir trop la direction
Encore moins la destination
Concentrons nous sur le trajet
On verra bien ce qu'on va trouver
Et je reprends la route
Quoi qu'il arrive, quoi qu'il en coûte
Je réapprends a marcher seul
Je trébuche et me casse la gueule
Mais je reprends la route
Pas de temps pour le doute
J'ai besoin d'un nouveau départ
Alors je m'habille et je pars
Cette fois il faut tourner la page
Le passé n'est plus qu'un mirage
Ne pas regarder en arrière
Même si demain reste un mystère
Et je reprends la route
Quoi qu'il arrive, quoi qu'il en coûte
Je réapprends a marcher seul
Je trébuche et me casse la gueule
Mais je reprends la route
Pas de temps pour le doute
J'ai besoin d'un nouveau départ
Alors je m'habille et je pars
Je vais vivre dans l'instant
Et ne penser qu'au présent
Sans aucun remords ni regrets
Je continu d'avancer
Je continu d'avancer

Sweet Mojito
Well I love ou dear
I love you so
I'm glad your here
So I don't feel alone
Your taste on my lips
I never want to let it go
Your better than a kiss
Sweet mojito
Like always it's simply you and me
We sure are the best team in the world
We've got nothing to worry
As long as we skip the crowd
Well I love ou dear
I love you so
I'm glad your here
So I don't feel alone
Your taste on my lips
I never want to let it go
Your better than a kiss
Sweet mojito
Well I love sweety cause no matter what I do
You never try to judge me and it feels so good
To just do what I want or what I really need
Without taking care about you or ask you anything
I can be a dork or I can be kind
You never seem to bother, for you it's always fine
I'll never have enough of you and now I know
You're my one and only, my sweet mojito
Well I love ou dear
I love you so
I'm glad your here
So I don't feel alone
Your taste on my lips
I never want to let it go
Your better than a kiss
Sweet mojito

Just Don't
Well I just don't care a thing about what you do or say
You should know by that time that I don't really mind
No I don't give a damn about your ways
Well we don't fit well
There's no news to tell
In fact I'm not understanding
What makes you coming
Here, in my home
Maybe you should just walk throught that door
Just like you did before
But it's all right for me
No need to worry
It's quite alright with me
I'll just find something else to see
Well I just don't care a thing about what say or do
You should know by that time that I don't fucking mind
About anything that comes from you
Well we don't fit well
There's no news to tell
In fact I'm not understanding
What makes you coming
Here, in my home
Maybe you should just walk throught that door
Just like you did before
But it's all right for me
No need to worry
It's quite alright with me
I'll just find something else to see